Monday, 21 November 2011

Monday, 7 November 2011

The one time you actually want people to laugh at your reasearch...

Standing up to talk about your research in front of 100 people can be a nerve wracking experience. But doing stand-up comedy about your research in front of 100 people not only wracks your nerves, it shreds them and almost makes you throw up.

Bright Club Edinburgh encourages researchers to take on this formidable challenge safe in the knowledge that once you have conquered it, the normal conference presentation will be a walk in the park. I took on this challenge at their November show and what an amazing, fun time I had! The feelings coming off stage are not just relief that you survived, but delight that people laughed (a lot) and pride that you entertained a whole room for 8 minutes and maybe even taught them something about your work! I’ll post the video here shortly.

Bright Club are always looking for researchers to join up and I would encourage everyone to give it a go. It’s a very unique experience, let’s face it, how many people can say they have done stand-up at a proper comedy gig. Why not come along to the next gig in December to get an idea of what its all about, more details will be on there blog and facebook nearer the time. As the name suggests it is full of interesting and funny people from all research disciplines, and it’s a great chance to network with other folk doing public engagement but be warned; we will ply you with alcohol and persuade you to perform at the next event!

Maybe by my next post I’ll be doing some real work to tell you about…